Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to school, back on track...

So, no post last week.  Perhaps some of you noticed?  By the time Thursday had sped by, with no opportunity for sitting at the computer, I had decided to wait for Monday and get back on track!

Of course, it's Tuesday now.  Like I've said before, the days just aren't long enough.  Yesterday was a gigantic whirlwind that did not stop until sometime around 11 pm.  This was largely because last night was the first The Sound of Music rehersal.  Yes!  I made it in.  Hooray for me.  I am a nun in the nun's choir (I've chosen the name Sister Mary-Go-Round) and a Baroness that is in the ballroom scene.  I am so excited to back in a show!  

Also, today is Prima and Secondo's first day of school!  (All the moms and dads say, whoo hoo! for back to school).  So, that also added to yesterday's craziness -- last minute "outfit checks," supply list checks, backpack stuffing.  Of course, Prima asked out of nowhere if I could curl her hair this morning (I guess she asked my mum last night as well, after I'd gone.  But, the first I heard of it was 6:20 this morning).  Unfortunately, I am NOT the Mom of the Year today, at least in Prima's mind.  Oh well.  There's always next year.  She had mostly gotten over it by bus time, I think.  I guess I'll know for sure when they get home.  Fingers crossed for a wonderful first day!  

I always worry about their first days.  Who will be in their classes?  Will any friends from last year be there?  Will they connect with new friends?  Will their teachers be kind?  It's nerve-wracking....and I'm here at home.  So, I can understand Prima's upset (though it didn't change anything).  But, I can understand her need to look her best today, of all days in the year.  Those kiddos are going to be sizing each other up.  I know it, and so does Prima.  What I also know, that perhaps Prima doesn't just yet, is that she's a great girl.  Anyone who gets to know her will find it out.  Unfortunately, I sometimes fear that Prima has inherited my insecurity gene, though not nearly so much.  She can be a tough cookie when she wants.  (Her favorite t-shirt when she was about six actually said Tough Cookie!  What a great shirt that was).

Well, I tackled another huge project this past weekend, and that was moving Quarto out of the living room.  I don't know that I've mentioned the living arrangements before now.  But, as of last Friday (before the shuffling of furniture and babies), Prima and Secondo shared a room and I "shared" a room with Terza.  Now, I say "shared" because I haven't slept in there since the night before Quarto was born.  We've been camped out in the living room.  Mostly so that Quarto would wake only me up every two hours, and not his extremely irritable 2 year-old sister. Of course, he's not waking up every two hours anymore, but he's still waking up often enough (2-3 times a night, ugh!).  So, that left the question of -- What the heck was I going to do when I moved them into a room together?  With me squished in there, too?  

I decided a new plan was in order.  (Hooray for logic).  It took a lot of work, but I moved Prima into the bedroom with Terza.  I moved Quarto's crib into the bedroom with Sec.  I moved bureaus, cribs and beds, clothes...it took almost an entire day.  At the end of it all, I'm still sleeping in the living room, but the kids are all squared away.  So, woot!  

Having Quarto sleep with Secondo was a pretty great move, because (unlike his sisters) Sec can sleep through just about anything.  He once fell asleep at my friends' house, and when I woke him to put on his sneakers to go home, he sat there trying to "put on" a piece of paper.  No lie. An old receipt equaled a shoe to him in his sleepy state. I can't tell you the number of times I've laughed over that memory!  It is also not the only "mostly asleep Sec" story going.  The little man can SLEEP.  So, he's the perfect roommate for Quarto, who is also used to some background noise while sleeping (from these months in the living room).  Secondo doesn't wake him with tossing and going to sleep later than him, and Quarto doesn't wake Sec up when he's ready for a bottle or bum change.  Hallelujah!  Now, if I could just get Quarto to sleep through a whole night!  (A lady can dream...).

Now for the not so great news...I haven't gained any weight back, but I've also stopped losing.  (You may have already suspected, as my weigh-ins have grown conspicuously non-existent).  I know exactly why.  I haven't been working out regularly.  I haven't even been counting my calories on myfooddiary.com.  Sigh.  This is nothing new.  It always happens when I'm losing weight.  I get distracted by other things.  I lose focus.  I get LAZY.  What doesn't always happen, what *never* happens, what I am determined to have happen this time, is that I Shape Up! I am determined to get back on track.  The big kids going back to school should help.  Getting back to a regular schedule and routine will certainly help.  Plus, I've taken the biggest step (in my mind) of saying to everyone -- I've been slacking.   I hate admitting it.  So, it's a pretty big motivator to be able to come back next week and say, I'm back, baby!  

So, watch for next week's post.  I am going to try to get back to those Monday posts.  (For real this time.  No, for realz). Have a wonderful week full of love, laughter, and joy.

all love, 


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